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location milano
Informazioni principali
Nome Questa location è promossa da Location Eventi Milano
Tipo Residenza
Zona Forlanini, P.ta romana
Indirizzo Forlanini, P.ta romana
Telefono 84137879847
Email a.ha.n.yok45@gmail.com
Web scheda_loc.php?id=5886
Metratura Fino a 100 Mq
Capienza Fino a 500 persone in piedi
teatro teatro teatro
Fino a 4000
persone a Teatro
Fino a 601
persone a Banchetto
Fino a 500
persone in piendi
Capienza delle singole stanze
I´m lucky to have stumbled across your web page, it´s exactly what my friends from work and I have been hoping for. The information here on the web page is with out a doubt helpful and will assist my family and friends several times a week. It appears as if everyone gained a significant amount of knowledge about subjects on the site and the other hyper links and information definitely show it. I am not on the web when I am busy but when I get an opportunity i´m usually looking for this kind of factual information or things closely related to it. I have a couple of my friends that have developed a liking in this because of all that I have found out about it and they´re more than likely to be visiting the site because it is such an incredible discovery. I am also interested in politics and dealing with the drastic twists and turns in world politics. If anyone gets a chance, check out at my website. [url=https://www.aandwassociates.net/services/grant-management/][color=#000_url]bookkeeping services for lawyer beside to Tampa FL[/color][/url]
Altre Informazioni
Potenza Elettrica
Michaeldob Kw
Come raggiungerci
I´m lucky to have stumbled across your web page, it´s exactly what my friends from work and I have been hoping for. The information here on the web page is with out a doubt helpful and will assist my family and friends several times a week. It appears as if everyone gained a significant amount of knowledge about subjects on the site and the other hyper links and information definitely show it. I am not on the web when I am busy but when I get an opportunity i´m usually looking for this kind of factual information or things closely related to it. I have a couple of my friends that have developed a liking in this because of all that I have found out about it and they´re more than likely to be visiting the site because it is such an incredible discovery. I am also interested in politics and dealing with the drastic twists and turns in world politics. If anyone gets a chance, check out at my website. [url=https://www.aandwassociates.net/services/grant-management/][color=#000_url]bookkeeping services for lawyer beside to Tampa FL[/color][/url]
Parcheggi disponibili
I´m lucky to have stumbled across your web page, it´s exactly what my friends from work and I have been hoping for. The information here on the web page is with out a doubt helpful and will assist my family and friends several times a week. It appears as if everyone gained a significant amount of knowledge about subjects on the site and the other hyper links and information definitely show it. I am not on the web when I am busy but when I get an opportunity i´m usually looking for this kind of factual information or things closely related to it. I have a couple of my friends that have developed a liking in this because of all that I have found out about it and they´re more than likely to be visiting the site because it is such an incredible discovery. I am also interested in politics and dealing with the drastic twists and turns in world politics. If anyone gets a chance, check out at my website. [url=https://www.aandwassociates.net/services/grant-management/][color=#000_url]bookkeeping services for lawyer beside to Tampa FL[/color][/url]
Altre note
I´m lucky to have stumbled across your web page, it´s exactly what my friends from work and I have been hoping for. The information here on the web page is with out a doubt helpful and will assist my family and friends several times a week. It appears as if everyone gained a significant amount of knowledge about subjects on the site and the other hyper links and information definitely show it. I am not on the web when I am busy but when I get an opportunity i´m usually looking for this kind of factual information or things closely related to it. I have a couple of my friends that have developed a liking in this because of all that I have found out about it and they´re more than likely to be visiting the site because it is such an incredible discovery. I am also interested in politics and dealing with the drastic twists and turns in world politics. If anyone gets a chance, check out at my website. [url=https://www.aandwassociates.net/services/grant-management/][color=#000_url]bookkeeping services for lawyer beside to Tampa FL[/color][/url]
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