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Informazioni principali
Nome Questa location è promossa da Location Eventi Milano
Tipo Loft
Zona P.ta Genova, Tortona
Indirizzo P.ta Genova, Tortona
Telefono 81416821883
Email h.o.l.me.ss.t.e.p.h.0.6@gmail.com
Web scheda_loc.php?id=5890
Metratura Fino a 850 Mq
Capienza Fino a 601 persone in piedi
teatro teatro teatro
Fino a 100
persone a Teatro
Fino a 450
persone a Banchetto
Fino a 601
persone in piendi
Capienza delle singole stanze
I´m in a stupor that we my friend told us about such a nice web site, and is unbelievably the kinds of knowledge my friends from church are always searching for sundays. Such knowledge on the forum is information that helps - helpful and is going to help my brother and I during my hobby time. Seems like all of the members on here gathered a canyon of unbelieveable of info concerning subjects I am interested in and the other links and knowledge like wise shows it. Typically i´m not on the net during the day but when we get an opportunity I am always hunting for this type of knowledge or others similarly concerning it. I have one of my friends that have also developed a liking about this due to what I have put together of it and they´re more than likely going to be visiting the forum since it´s such an incredible score. I am also interested in new ways to get rich and coping with the democratic line ups new changes in engineering tech as well as looking for alternate resources experts to feed my hunger for making residual income. [url=https://www.stephburtcashoffers.com/we-buy-houses-in-hampton-georgia/][color=#000_url]we buy homes near atlanta GA and South Fulton GA 30213[/color][/url]
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Potenza Elettrica
MichaelPaype Kw
Come raggiungerci
I´m in a stupor that we my friend told us about such a nice web site, and is unbelievably the kinds of knowledge my friends from church are always searching for sundays. Such knowledge on the forum is information that helps - helpful and is going to help my brother and I during my hobby time. Seems like all of the members on here gathered a canyon of unbelieveable of info concerning subjects I am interested in and the other links and knowledge like wise shows it. Typically i´m not on the net during the day but when we get an opportunity I am always hunting for this type of knowledge or others similarly concerning it. I have one of my friends that have also developed a liking about this due to what I have put together of it and they´re more than likely going to be visiting the forum since it´s such an incredible score. I am also interested in new ways to get rich and coping with the democratic line ups new changes in engineering tech as well as looking for alternate resources experts to feed my hunger for making residual income. [url=https://www.stephburtcashoffers.com/we-buy-houses-in-hampton-georgia/][color=#000_url]we buy homes near atlanta GA and South Fulton GA 30213[/color][/url]
Parcheggi disponibili
I´m in a stupor that we my friend told us about such a nice web site, and is unbelievably the kinds of knowledge my friends from church are always searching for sundays. Such knowledge on the forum is information that helps - helpful and is going to help my brother and I during my hobby time. Seems like all of the members on here gathered a canyon of unbelieveable of info concerning subjects I am interested in and the other links and knowledge like wise shows it. Typically i´m not on the net during the day but when we get an opportunity I am always hunting for this type of knowledge or others similarly concerning it. I have one of my friends that have also developed a liking about this due to what I have put together of it and they´re more than likely going to be visiting the forum since it´s such an incredible score. I am also interested in new ways to get rich and coping with the democratic line ups new changes in engineering tech as well as looking for alternate resources experts to feed my hunger for making residual income. [url=https://www.stephburtcashoffers.com/we-buy-houses-in-hampton-georgia/][color=#000_url]we buy homes near atlanta GA and South Fulton GA 30213[/color][/url]
Altre note
I´m in a stupor that we my friend told us about such a nice web site, and is unbelievably the kinds of knowledge my friends from church are always searching for sundays. Such knowledge on the forum is information that helps - helpful and is going to help my brother and I during my hobby time. Seems like all of the members on here gathered a canyon of unbelieveable of info concerning subjects I am interested in and the other links and knowledge like wise shows it. Typically i´m not on the net during the day but when we get an opportunity I am always hunting for this type of knowledge or others similarly concerning it. I have one of my friends that have also developed a liking about this due to what I have put together of it and they´re more than likely going to be visiting the forum since it´s such an incredible score. I am also interested in new ways to get rich and coping with the democratic line ups new changes in engineering tech as well as looking for alternate resources experts to feed my hunger for making residual income. [url=https://www.stephburtcashoffers.com/we-buy-houses-in-hampton-georgia/][color=#000_url]we buy homes near atlanta GA and South Fulton GA 30213[/color][/url]
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